Hajj – The biggest journey of my life

By Sunday, August 27, 2017 0 No tags Permalink 0

My Hajj journey began during a conversation with my family during iftar (breaking fast) in the middle of Ramadhan (Islamic month of fasting) in 2012. My family had never been invited to Makkah or Madinah yet and every Ramadhan my mum would sit and watch the tarawih (night prayers performed in Ramadhan) on TV or ...

The Pulpit of Salahuddin

By Thursday, June 15, 2017 0 No tags Permalink 0

The Masjid al-Ibrahimi is where Ibrahim AS and his wife Sarah, Ishaq AS and his wife Rafqah, Yaqub AS and his wife Liya and son Yusuf (May Allah be pleased with them) is buried in #Hebron #Jerusalem, and is considered to be the fourth most important religious site in Islam, and the second holiest place after the ...

The Strangers

By Monday, May 29, 2017 0 No tags Permalink 0

As humans we struggle with the concept that this life is temporary, whether you are a person of faith or not faith this is something that is a fact this life is temporary we will not live forever. Yet we chase the temporary beyond living in the today. We save money as if we will ...