The Pulpit of Salahuddin

By Thursday, June 15, 2017 0 No tags Permalink 0

The Masjid al-Ibrahimi is where Ibrahim AS and his wife Sarah, Ishaq AS and his wife Rafqah, Yaqub AS and his wife Liya and son Yusuf (May Allah be pleased with them) is buried in #Hebron #Jerusalem, and is considered to be the fourth most important religious site in Islam, and the second holiest place after the ...

The unimaginable pain…

By Thursday, June 15, 2017 0 No tags Permalink 0

I woke up this morning to see the news and feel that horrible feeling again, that feeling that you feel in the pit of your stomach and the pain you feel in your soul knowing that yet again fellow human life has suffered unimaginably for no valid reason whatsoever. As I work updating social media ...